Ideology war

(This is an actual portfolio I presented to a final at the academy. Its original title is “Guerra ideologica”.)

Created in the days between April and June 2022

Project description

This collection of twelve (plus three bonus) photographs aims to explore the concept of ‘contamination’ in urban settings. All the photos were taken in various locations in the center of Catania, including many in areas frequented by the youth of Catania.

The photographer takes on the role of a reporter in a ‘war’ of ideologies that clash on the walls of the city of Catania through posters that are put up and later torn down over time by those who think differently.


How many times have we read a poster on a wall or storefront and disagreed with it so strongly that we felt the need to tear it down?

How many other times have we actually torn down posters because we didn’t want them to convey their message to more people?

Lastly, how many times have we failed to tear down the poster, maybe because it was well glued or it tore in half or a quarter, still making the message understandable to the eyes of others?

These torn posters are at the center of this project because they ‘contaminate’ the city walls, often being more difficult to tear than when they were completely intact. Furthermore, they ‘contaminate’ the minds of those who can understand their messages, sometimes having a greater impact on the reader’s mind since they are compelled to reconstruct the initial message, thus forcing the mind to process and reflect on the ideology propagated by the torn paper. Finally, these posters are ‘wounded warriors’ in the ideological war that has characterized and will always characterize the civilized world.


Agnese, for tearing down a no-vax poster in front of my eyes, sparking the idea;

Alexander, for assisting Agnese in the act.